Friday, February 4, 2011

Other World Outline

Horror, sci-fi and fantasy no longer has the pedigree they once did. With the popularity of recent TV hits like Fringe, The Walking Dead, Sanctuary, True Blood and others, these genres enter a new age of maturity. Conceptually and script-wise, recent horror and sci fi have undergone a renaissance: no longer a 'trashy' alternative to the mainstream, these works represent the best in intelligent and imaginative reworkings of old themes.

Over the years, especially in the last 10 or so, I've noticed a substantial amount of new books, films and TV shows that excite me. Authors like David Wellington and Charles Stross, films such as Plague Town and Eden Log, and the TV gems listed above and more, have made me a huge fan again. Indeed, the trash still exists (George Romero anyone?), but I hope with this blog to impart my feverish enthusiasm by exploring themes, reviewing books and films, and discovering odd science. The coils of imagination know no bounds, and here, we'll welcome the chance to unravel its mysteries.

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